General & Cosmetic Dentistry Blog
general & cosmetic
dentistry Blog
A third of adults in the United States have high blood pressure, and almost half of Americans 30 and older have some degree of gum disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report in 2014, hypertension accounts for 51% of deaths from stroke and 45% of overall CV (Cardiovascular) mortality and this is true of all ages and in all ethnic groups
here are two aspects to effective brushing of your teeth: One is strength and the other is technique. What we see often is 'vigorous brushing' - applying too much strength which results in damage to the enamel wear and even causes tooth recession.
While we’ve come a long way, with advanced drills and significantly reduced noise, the number one reason patients avoid dental visits is simply fear of pain. Interestingly, we are not born, or wired, to fear the dentist - for most of us, if we’ve experienced pain in the past, our brain does not want us to repeat that ordeal.
A culture of no-wait and no-pain. Your time is as valuable as ours and we want you to have a pleasant experience when it comes to your dental health.
Friedman, an expert in evidence-based dentistry, says that whether you floss or use another method, it's worthwhile to clean between your teeth every day. Getting food particles out from between your teeth before they can break down—feeding bacteria and increasing the likelihood of bad breath
Dentists are human, they can make mistakes and since dental procedures are mostly irreversible, critical work can and should be questioned by the patient.
As your dentist, (and as you’ve clearly experienced for yourself), I know the limitations of dental insurance. Let’s face it: insurance plans are not generous in terms of coverage or reimbursement. Even worse, they are typically limited to a maximum coverage of $1500/year, which means that with just one filling and one crown you’re maxed out. Many of my patients who have exhausted their coverage wind up delaying much needed dental procedures which only make matters worse and more expensive the following year.
As your dentist, I know the limitations of dental insurance. Let’s face it, insurance plans are not generous in terms of coverage or reimbursements, as I’m sure you’ve experienced by now. Even worse, they are typically limited to $1500/year, which means that with just one filling and one crown, you’re maxed out. Many of my patients who have exhausted their coverage wind up delaying much needed dental procedures which only make matters worse and more expensive the following year.
In 2011, Business Insider published the following article, “The 19 jobs you are most likely to kill yourself.” In 2015, Mental Health Daily published, “Top 11 professions with the highest suicide rate.” In both articles (and actually all articles on the subject), my fellow dentists grab the not so enviable #3 spot!